This passage, which is originally entitled “Wel Davids luit, niet Davids lied”, has been translated from: K. Schilder, Om Woord en Kerk (vol. 1). …who sing idly to the sound of stringed instruments and invent for yourselves musical instruments like David… but are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph. -Amos 6:5-6 People who […]
Tag: English
The authority of major assembly and consistory (2, final)
By: M.R. Vermeer In the previous article the authority of a major assembly was discussed. In this article we will take a closer look at the question: what distinguishes the authority of a consistory? Article 37 C.O. To understand this distinction, it is good to take a closer look at article 37 C.O. […]
The authority of major assembly and consistory (1)
By: M.R. Vermeer In Reformed churches major assemblies (classis and synod) are convened regularly. Now, the question may arise: what is the authority of a major assembly? And in connection with this: what is the distinction with the authority of a consistory? A correct, Scriptural answer to these questions is not merely a theoretical […]
Helping to Build His Church
In this article, an introduction is given to the book of Haggai. It has previously appeared in the magazine “Shield and Sword” and has been taken over with permission from the author.[1] We do not know much about Haggai as a person, other than that he was a prophet. It is not known […]
Confessions – their Binding and Interpretation (2, final)
This second and final article on “Confessions – their Binding and Interpretation” discusses the interpretation of the confessions. In the previous article, it was discussed that members of Reformed churches are bound to “all the articles and points of doctrine” of the confessions. Some people, however, may argue that the confessions are […]