David’s Harp But Not His Psalm
This passage, which is originally entitled “Wel Davids luit, niet Davids lied”, has been translated from: K. Schilder, Om Woord ...
The authority of major assembly and consistory (2, final)
By: M.R. Vermeer In the previous article the authority of a major assembly was discussed. In this article we will ...
The authority of major assembly and consistory (1)
By: M.R. Vermeer In Reformed churches major assemblies (classis and synod) are convened regularly. Now, the question may arise: what ...
Helping to Build His Church
In this article, an introduction is given to the book of Haggai. It has previously appeared in the magazine “Shield ...
Confessions – their Binding and Interpretation (2, final)
This second and final article on “Confessions – their Binding and Interpretation” discusses the interpretation of the confessions. In the ...